
Entries in small press (3)


Fundraiser: Liz Baillie's Freewheel Volume 1

Liz Baillie, creator of My Brain Hurts and Sing Along Forever, is now bringing her Webcomic Freewheel to the printed realm.  But to complete her most excelent task she needs our help.  She is hosting a fundraiser over on to help gather monies to pay printing costs.  To help convince the fence sitters she is offering up some sweet incentives to those who choose to help.  So go help an Independent Artist already.



Joey Weiser Raising Funds for Cavemen in Space

I know a lot of the Dollar Bin listeners (though limited in funds) love collecting comic pages and original art.  And, like me, I know you like supporting the industries strengths.  One of those strengths is Joey Weiser.  I’ve been reading his comics and other such things he’s worked on for years and he never fails to entertain or impress.  Everything Joey Weiser touches is creative gold.  That being said, Joey has put together a lucretive (for all parties) fundraiser to help get his latest book, Cavemen in Space, off the ground.  He’s not asking for a lot and he is offering so much in return. Help Support Cavemen in Space!


Indy Comic Book Week

The Organizers of Indy Comic Book Week see an opportunity this Wednesday for not only an event but for a call to creative action. As you might be aware, Diamond Comic Distributors announced to comic shops that they would not be shipping new comics for the last week of December. While most shops will have DC’s Blackest Night #6 to offer as “the” new comic of the week, most of the main stream portion of the industry will be taking an off-week.

The ICBW is a challenge to writers and artists to self publish new material for this week, and offer it to their local stores. While asking for retailers to take this as an opportunity to showcase local independent talent on the new release shelves they are also encouraging fans to break from their buying habits and try something new.

You can find out more about this event including the creators and shops involved on their production blog and at the official site for Indy Comic Book Week. Even if your local shop is not offering any of the comics mentioned on those sites, you still might find something from one of the creators taking part you can order online. Or this might just inspire you to give something new a chance at your local shop this week.