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Joey Weiser Raising Funds for Cavemen in Space

I know a lot of the Dollar Bin listeners (though limited in funds) love collecting comic pages and original art.  And, like me, I know you like supporting the industries strengths.  One of those strengths is Joey Weiser.  I’ve been reading his comics and other such things he’s worked on for years and he never fails to entertain or impress.  Everything Joey Weiser touches is creative gold.  That being said, Joey has put together a lucretive (for all parties) fundraiser to help get his latest book, Cavemen in Space, off the ground.  He’s not asking for a lot and he is offering so much in return. Help Support Cavemen in Space!

Reader Comments (3)

Just checked out his site and his stuff is great. Had never heard of him before. I agree he's got some great rewards for donations, well worth the cash. Wish I could afford the original art, but did what I could.

January 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDeeSnider

When Adam first told me about this my first thought was that someone wanted to put cavemen in space. So I pictured the Geico cavemen staring longinly towards home in a spaceship.

January 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterShawn Reynolds

Hopefully he'll still be doing this when I get my tax refund.

January 5, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjoel

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