
Entries in AdHouse (4)


Preview: Afrodisiac from Adhouse Books

by Brian Maruca & Jim Rugg
Published by AdHouse Books

The crew behind Street Angel hits the ghetto with the Afrodisiac - in SuperColor! There’s cats, gats, spats, and feathered hats…action as big as a Georgia ham and wool so fine it’ll blow your mind! Lock up your daughters, come hell or high water, cause here comes the king of the concrete jungle!

96 4C pages
6 ” x 9 ” HC
$14.95 US funds
ISBN 978-1-935233-06-0
Shipping December 2009
Diamond Order Code: OCT09 0658


Joey Weiser Raising Funds for Cavemen in Space

I know a lot of the Dollar Bin listeners (though limited in funds) love collecting comic pages and original art.  And, like me, I know you like supporting the industries strengths.  One of those strengths is Joey Weiser.  I’ve been reading his comics and other such things he’s worked on for years and he never fails to entertain or impress.  Everything Joey Weiser touches is creative gold.  That being said, Joey has put together a lucretive (for all parties) fundraiser to help get his latest book, Cavemen in Space, off the ground.  He’s not asking for a lot and he is offering so much in return. Help Support Cavemen in Space!


AdHouse's Holiday Sale

The holiday season is upon us and that means it is a time for buying. Most of the buying is of course supposed to be for giving to others, but with all of the shopping and all of the sales, shoppers often tend to find a few things for themselves along the way as well. But speaking of shopping (for yourself or others) starting tomorrow, our friends at AdHouse are having an awesome holiday sale!

From November 11th until December 21st, AdHouse has some great items at special super low prices to go along with all of the other great books and comics you can find in their online store at their regular low prices. What kind of awesome read materials are on sale might you ask? How about both single issues and the collected edition of Johnny Hiro? You can also pick-up Zig-Zag #1 by J Chris Campbell or selected issues of Skyscrapers of the Midwest by Josh Cotter each for only a dollar! And that really is just a few of the sweet deals they are offering so checkout their site for more great buys during this special holiday sale. You or someone on your Christmas list will be glad that you did.


Preview: Afrodisiac

by Brian Maruca & Jim Rugg
Published by AdHouse Books

The crew behind Street Angel hits the ghetto with the Afrodisiac - in SuperColor! There’s cats, gats, spats, and feathered hats…action as big as a Georgia ham and wool so fine it’ll blow your mind! Lock up your daughters, come hell or high water, cause here comes the king of the concrete jungle!

96 4C pages
6 ” x 9 ” HC
$14.95 US funds
Shipping December 2009

Visit to download a PDF preview and check out the funky preview trailer below!