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Entries in adam (140)


Discussion: Comics on the Couch 406

Following the outburst of comic industry news out of Wondercon this past weekend Shawn and Adam got together to discuss the state of comics including the good, the bad, and the fantastic.  Capping out the night they rap about some of the latest comics they’ve been reading lately… until they ran out of tape.

Runtime 1 hour 16 minutes 15 seconds

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Dscussion: Comics on the Couch 406


Interview: Bob McLeod

About a year ago, that’s right I said a year ago, Joel and Adam weaseled some time out of Bob McLeod (The New Mutants, Spider-man, Star Wars, Conan the Barbarian, Superman) for an interview.  With apologies to Mr. McLeod here is the result of that well overdue posting.

Runtime 1 hour 05 minutes 40 seconds

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Interview: Bob McLeod


Discussion: All-Star Superman (Movie)

On a lovely Saturday afternoon Dollar Bin contributors Adam, Brian, and Shawn ordered some pizza and sat down to watch All-Star Superman the adaptation of the book by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely.  Join the discussion as they talk a little about their impressions and thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to follow Sketch Columbia @sketchcolumbia

Runtime 1 hour 15 minutes 25 seconds

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Discussion: All-Star Superman (Movie)


Discussion: Comics on the Couch 316

Welcome to Dollar Bin Comics on the Couch.  Your hosts for this evening are Adam and Shawn.  Join us as we bring the world of comics to you from our couch to yours.  This week we discuss what recent comics we’ve been reading, some stand out TPBs and OGNs, and a little dramma.  Plus, everyones favorite, Comics w/ Minori-Tee.

Runtime 43 minutes 41 seconds

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Discussion: Comics on the Couch 316


Interview: Mike Carey Part 2

Thanks to the mad contact skills of Joel, he and Adam got to chat for a few hours with writer Mike Carey.  In this, Part 2, we will discuss what he puts into being a writer, the Minx line (Confessions of a Blabbermouth, Re-Gifters), X-men, and his novel writing on Felix Castor.

Runtime 44 minutes 39 seconds

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Interview: Mike Carey Part 2


Discussion: Dollar Bin Awards 2011

Its that time of the year again.  That’s right, awards season and just like every other committee that clings to the coattails of the talented the Dollar Bin have their own awards show.  Welcome to the 2010 Dollar Bin Awards where dreams are fulfilled and feelings are hurt.  Come for the results.  Stay for the witty banter.

Runtime 1 hour 06 minutes 04 seconds

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Writer (of the Year):  Jason Aaron

Artist:  Francesco Francavilla

Colorist:  Laura Martin

Cover Artist:  Chrissie Zullo

Issue:  Thor: The Mighty Avenger #4

Series:  The Sixth Gun

Graphic Novel:  Parker: The Outfit

Publisher:  DC/Vertigo

Comic Related Media:  Scott Pilgrim vs the World

Comics Moment:  Nothing Stands Out

Most Under-Appreciated:  The Sixth Gun (Irony)

Most Confusing:  Return of Bruce Wayne

Most Disappointing:  Shadowland

Interview/Guest:  Neal Adams

Missing From 2010 You’d Like to See in 2011: Berni Wrightson

Contribution Winners: Mitch Rogers, Matthew Guy, Matt Plumber, Scott Dunlap, Mark Sullivan

Discussion: Dollar Bin Awards 2010

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