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Entries in reviews (16)


Episode 321: Top Graphic Novels of 2013

Join Adam, Shawn and Tee as they discuss their top graphic novels of this year! Sparked by The Washington Post article about the Top 10 Graphic Novels of 2013, the gang agrees with a few of the choices but is surprised by some of the titles that were omitted. Their favorites include The Fifth Beatle, Hip Hop Family Tree, Battling Boy, and March. Jump in and join the fun. And, if you don’t get it, you don’t get it.

Runtime 58 minutes 54 seconds

Episode 321: Top Graphic Novels of 2013


Episode 315: SPX 2013 Reviews

Oh boy, did we buy a lot of books! Oh boy, did we read a lot of books! Oh boy, did we review a lot of books! Oh boy! Here is a hopefully comprehensive list of creators we discussed from our pickups at SPX. Included are links so you can check them out and find out how awesome they are!

Runtime 1 hour 3 minutes 12 seconds


Creator of books we picked up include:

Lamar Abrams
Sam Alden
Carolyn Belefski
Sam Bosma
Box Brown
Joe Carabeo
Michele Chidester
Jared Cullum
Farel Dalrymple
Eleanor Davis

Patrick Dean
Nick Drnaso
Henry Eudy
Sean Ford

Charles Forsman
C Frakes
Monica Gallagher
Lee Gatlin
Nicole J. Georges
Alex Kim
Joe Lambert
Roger Langridge
Laurel Lynn Leake
David Mack
Chuck McB
Melissa Mendes
Pranas T. Naujokaitis
Robert Newsome
Flynn Nicholls
Ed Piskor
David Plunkert
Jim Rugg
Vanessa Satone
Katie Sekelsky
Katie Skelly
Jamie Tanner
Sara L. Turner
Drew Weing
Joey Weiser
Runner Runner (anthology)
Secret Prison No. 7 (anthology)

Episode 315: SPX 2013 Reviews


Episode 297b: FLUKE 2013 Reviews

Image by David MackAdam and Shawn attended FLUKE 2013.  As requested, they picked up some great candid interviews about nothing and even discussed some bonus relevant topics (in part 1).  To close it all out reviews, reviews, reviews (though I wouldn’t really describe what is done as reviewing).

Runtime 1 hour 1 minutes 59 seconds


In no particular order here are the creators we talked about, more or less:

-Patrick Dean
-Robert Newsome
-Rich Tommaso
-Jason Horn
-David Mack
-David Yoder
-Drew Weing
-Eleanor Davis
-Joey Weiser
-Michele Chidester
-Box Brown
-Sally Madden
-Adam Casey
-Jordan Fitch Mooney
-J Chris Campbell
-Wes Brooks
-Erin Gladstone
-Cara McGee
-Jackie Lewis
-Cassie Hart Kelly
-Sara Vivanco
-Em Helen Barnard
-Dean Trippe
-Audrey Morris
-Cullen Gardepe
-Duane Ballenger
-Brad McGinty
-Josh Latta
-Henry Eudy
-Chris Schweizer
-Chad Bowers
-Chris Sims

Episode 297b: FLUKE 2013 Reviews


Episode 297a: FLUKE 2013 Interviews

Patrick Dean and Robert NewsomeAdam and Shawn attended FLUKE 2013.  As requested, they picked up some great candid interviews about nothing and even discussed some bonus relevent topics.  To close it all out (in part 2) reviews, reviews, reviews (though I wouldn’t really discribe what is done at reviewing).

Runtime 43 minutes 21 seconds

Episode 297a: FLUKE 2013 Interviews


Discussion: SPX 2012 Reviews Part 2

Adam and Shawn finish up their wordy and lengthy reviews of the books that they picked up at SPX 2012! Some of the books that they discuss this go-round are as follows:

Runtime 39 minutes 28 seconds


-Swan Lake - Ping Zhu
-Immovable Objects - James Hindle
-Crier - Joseph Lambert
-Salad Days and Simple Routines #13-#15 - JP Coovert
-Sundays #5 - Anthology
-Runner Runner - Anthology by Tugboat Press
-Papercutter #13 - Matt Wiegle, Tim Root and Jonas Madden-Connor
-The Vault, I Am Beauty, Meat Bird, Eagle Fight Squad 2030 AD: Bird on Fire - Alex Kim
-Moose #1 - Max de Radigues
-The End of the Fucking World Part 11 - Charles Forsman
-Tragic Relief, Island Brat, Island Brat 2 - C. Frakes
-Here at the End of All Things - Sean T. Collins and C. Frakes
-Overboard and Shotgun Funeral - Laura Terry

Discussion: SPX 2012 Reviews Part 2


Discussion: SPX 2012 Reviews Part 1

Yes, you heard that right! This is only Part 1 of Adam and Shawn’s SPX review-a-palooza. Either they bought way too many comics or their reviews are way too long and rambly. Maybe both! Sit back, relax and enjoy as Adam and Shawn tell you all about some awesome mini-comics that they, umm, like, totally enjoyed and stuff!

Runtime 51 minutes 23 seconds


Here is a near complete list of all the books reviewed in this week’s show:

-The Ghosts of Pineville and The Collection of Emily VanWart - Sara L. Turner
-Bezoar - Anthology featuring Drew Weing, Michele Chidester, Joey Weiser, Patrick Dean, David Mack, Aaron Fu and Eleanor Davis
-Kaijuphabet - Joey Weiser
-Alphabeasts - Rich Barrett
-Hotel Le Jolie - Jared Cullum
-Gold Star - John Martz
-Teeny Bikini - Rob Ullman
-Mestari - Amanda Vahamaki
-Pompeii - Frank Santoro
-Burning Building Comics - Jeff Zwirek
-I Swallowed the Key to My Heart #3 - Liz Prince
-King-Cat #73 - John Porcellino
-The Death of Elijah Lovejoy - Noah Van Sciver
-The Mark - Box Brown
-The Monkey in the Basement and Other Delusions and It Doesn’t Exist - Corinne Mucha
-Sammy the Mouse - Zak Sally
-White Clay and Cusp - Thomas Herpich
-Bee Sting and Yonder - Jeremy Massie

Discussion: SPX 2012 Reveiws Part 1