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Entries in adam (140)


Interview: Mike Carey Part 1

Thanks to the mad contact skills of Joel, he and Adam got to chat for a few hours with writer Mike Carey.  In this, Part 1, we will discuss his earliest memories of comics, Lucifer, Crossing Midnight, and Unwritten.

Runtime 48 minutes 16 seconds

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Interview: Mike Carey Part 1


Interview: Steve Niles on Creator Owned Comics

Welcome to this very special interview edition of the Dollar Bin with comic creator and “Creator Owned Comic ‘Activist’,” Steve Niles, in which we discuss all that’s been going around the Interwebs about this topic very dear to his heart.  Help spread the word and don’t forget: Be excellent to each other.

Runtime: 49 minutes 30 seconds

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Interview: Steve Niles on Creator Owned Comics


Interview: Shelton Drum - Savannah Collection

Shelton Drum, owner of Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find, took the time out of his very busy schedule to sit down with Adam and answer some questions about his CGC pedigree collection recently hitting auction with Heritage Auction Galleries.  They discuss what makes a collection a pedigree collection, what makes this, the Savannah Collection, so awesome, and other general comic collection coolness.

Runtime: 40 minutes 29 seconds

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Interview: Shelton Drum - Savannah Collection


Discussion: Thor, The Mighty Avenger

Thou art rockin’ the Thor with the Dollar Bin.  There has been quite a bit of chatter on the InterWebs about Thor: The Mighty Avenger over the last few months and its been no different within the DollarBinWebs.  Its not all roses and unicorns in this episode as the Dollar Bin discusses Thor: The Mighty Avenger, but don’t worry, its not raptors and poison sumak either.

Runtime: 1 hour 19 minutes 27 seconds

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Discussion: Thor, The Mighty Avenger


Discussion: Comical Resolutions 2011

Piggy backing off of Heather’s recent article of the very similar name a snowed in Shawn and Adam decided the best way to spend their time (and your’s) was to call Dollar Bin contributors and ask them what their Comic related resolutions of 2011 were.  Enjoy.

Runtime: 28 minutes 51 seconds

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Discussion: Comical Resolutions 2011


Discussion: Looking Forward to 2011

Hop in our time machine and travel back with us to the ancient year of 2011.  We will review what it was that we were looking forward to at the beginning of the year.  Looking back deep down we all new it would really come to this:  Superman Earth One, Comic Book Movies, Batman Inc - Oh, how we’ve grown.

Runtime: 1 hour 37 minutes 54 seconds

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Discussion: Looking Forward to 2011

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