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Discussion: All-Star Superman (Movie)

On a lovely Saturday afternoon Dollar Bin contributors Adam, Brian, and Shawn ordered some pizza and sat down to watch All-Star Superman the adaptation of the book by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely.  Join the discussion as they talk a little about their impressions and thoughts.

Also, don’t forget to follow Sketch Columbia @sketchcolumbia

Runtime 1 hour 15 minutes 25 seconds

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Discussion: All-Star Superman (Movie)

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Reader Comments (2)

Although, like Brian, I hardly ever read Superman comics, I think he’s a really fascinating character on a lot of levels that really have little to do with straight up comics. I really appreciated the short discussion at the beginning of the show about religious metaphor in the Superman mythos. I think almost all Western comics are tinged with Christian ideals in one way or another. For example, most origin stories depend on an occurrence of transfiguration that changes a character from one state to another, an exaggerated representation of the central Christian idea. Superman is most interesting to me when he is considered from a messianic angle. He’s like Christ or Krishna, a God that disguises himself as a man. I heard Shawn throw out some Joseph Campbell shit in a few places, mentioning the ubermensch and The Hero with 1,000 Faces which is so super appropriate when discussing the comic book character that is probably closest to the collective unconscious. I’d love to see the Dollar Bin bust out some Jung up in here.

Also, that is awesome news about the formation of Sketch Columbia! I hope in the future we can partner the two sketch societies together and forge a stronger network for people who like to doodle and bullshit in a communal environment. Best of luck to you guys in getting stuff organized.

March 23, 2011 | Registered CommenterHenry Eudy

I'll save most of my comments on Grant Morrison until we actually do a show on him BUT in general I dislike how he references or uses elements from older stories but doesn't tell you where he lifted them from. (In a Scottish accent) "Look at me readers. I am doing something very cleaver with this tidbit I found in a comic in the 60's but you'll have to figure out where I found it if you want to really understand what I am doing."

March 24, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJo-El

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