Discussion: Comics on the Couch 406
Tuesday, April 5, 2011 Filed in Discussions
Following the outburst of comic industry news out of Wondercon this past weekend Shawn and Adam got together to discuss the state of comics including the good, the bad, and the fantastic. Capping out the night they rap about some of the latest comics they’ve been reading lately… until they ran out of tape.
Runtime 1 hour 16 minutes 15 seconds
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Reader Comments (5)
Yeah...no coming back from that unfortunate message I sent Francesco. I'm going to have to have Jordana order my commissions from him now. Shit. But, c'mon...that HAD to be an April Fools joke. American Panther? At least it'll look great.
Oh yeah:
1) New Peanuts? Why? Peanuts had one great moment: Race for Your Life Charlie Brown. That's it.
2) Haven't ordered Walking Dead. Maybe when it's on sale. You're still probably not going to like it, so don't order it.
3) I was planning on ordering the Parker collection, but Adam's made me rethink it. I'll just borrow Devin's copy and wait for the library edition of all the stories.
4) Totally concur on the Astro City point. The Confession > Secret Invasion. Not even close.
I got the Walking Dead DVD from Best Buy for $16.00 (plus tax) which was the most I told myself I would spend but it was worth it for the first two episodes. I will admit that the last 4 REALLY wandered far afield from the comics (which I did NOT like) but the first two episodes make a really nice movie-length viewing experience. I will again say that I don't mind side trips but stick to the narrative set in the comics or call the show something other than The Walking Dead. If HBO does their Y: The Last Man series and Yorick decides to head to Brazil and bang hot Latina chicks to repopulate the planet instead of heading to Australia (which is what I would do) it stops being Y: The Last Man.
I really want to hear the story of Ted's drunken text to Franco.
Astro City is the shit, always has been and always will be. And it sounds like everything Marvel and/or DC is doing currently Astro City did first and better. Who do I have to kill to get another Confessor storyline anyway?
Lo Fi Future Shit! very true. Butcher Baker is the shit.
Walking Dead DVD: I liked the show (for the most part), plan to watch season 2, but I'm not going to buy the DVDs. If I want to watch it again I'll rent it from Netflix. I rarely buy DVDs.
Astro City: Thanks for the recommendation, not that I haven't had it recommended to me before but that's the first time I heard it described quite that way.
Marvel renumbering rant: I don't buy singles/floppies anymore but I too don't understand the damn near annual renumbering of series by Marvel. Once or twice, ok, but constant back and forth is a little weird. The only possibilty that occurs to me is that they are more committed to the collections, where the individual issue numbers are more or less meaningless, than they want to let on. That and of course the desire to boost sales to retailers.
My store got shorted on Butcher Baker...and I wanted a copy. If anyone can find one, I'll paypal you. Great show guys, but did I miss the Granito coverage?