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Interview: Bob McLeod

About a year ago, that’s right I said a year ago, Joel and Adam weaseled some time out of Bob McLeod (The New Mutants, Spider-man, Star Wars, Conan the Barbarian, Superman) for an interview.  With apologies to Mr. McLeod here is the result of that well overdue posting.

Runtime 1 hour 05 minutes 40 seconds

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Interview: Bob McLeod

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Reader Comments (3)

I always enjoy shows where you talk to people with inking experience. Tales of long ago days when being an inker was a viable profession are always fascinating to me. And if those tales include some trash talk about Todd McFarland, all the better.

March 30, 2011 | Registered CommenterHenry Eudy

I really liked talking to Bob. He seemed to have found a nice groove for his life with one foot in comics and the other doing other things. I was surprised at the McFarlane bit but some of the other interviews i've heard McFarlane give have made him come across like a complete tool so Bob's story doesn't surprise me much.

If you liked this conversation have you listened to our interview with THE premiere inker Joe Rubinstein? It was 10 different kind of awesome and i've been lobbying to get him back on for a while. Joe is so......well-spoken in describing what he does I could listen to him tell stories for hours on end. Talking with both Joe and Bob have really opened my eyes and I want to interview more inkers in the future so if anyone has any suggestions I'm open to them.

March 30, 2011 | Registered CommenterJoel Mangrum

I did listen to the Joe Rubinstein show (at the advice of Adam, thank you Adam) and I really did enjoy it. I love inking, throwing down the black stuff never loses it's appeal to me. Sadly, the great heyday of professional inkers has fallen by the wayside more and more so I'm thrilled when you guys talk to people with stories about painting it black back in those glory days.

I too really enjoyed your talk with Bob because he's a guy a lot like me, who came to comics through humor magazines and who isn't completely in the thrall of costumed superheroes. It was really interesting to listen to a guy who had views as both an insider and an outsider of the superhero comics machine at the same time. Thanks for a great show, guys!

March 31, 2011 | Registered CommenterHenry Eudy

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