
Entries in shawn (22)


Shawn Says: New Releases January 26, 2010

Where Shawn looks at the New Releases and lets you know which books she is most excited about!


1) Afrodisiac HC

Afrodisiac is a blaxploitation story told using the storytelling conventions of 70s comics. It is illustrated by Jim Rugg and co-created and co-written by Brian Maruca. We are already sold out of this book! But fear not! If you want a copy you will be able to pick one up at our lovely store Sunday, February 7 when Rugg and Chris Pitzer will be here for a store signing. They will have lots of copies available! If you can’t make it and want a copy let us know and we will get you a copy then, if not before.

2) Dark Reign Hawkeye #5, Captain America Reborn #6 and Kick Butt #8

Marvel is catching up on their shipping schedules and plenty of titles are coming out that people have been anticipating.

3) Marvelous Land of Oz #3

Check out this sweet interior art done by Skottie Young, who we just recently added to the guest list of Heroes Con 2010!


4) New Avengers #61

Siege is in full swing and Steve Rogers is back!


5) Loverboy HC and SC

One of my big regrets from Heroes Con 09 was not seeing the Irwin Hasen documentary. Everyone I talked to who saw it was blown away. I hope that the documentary will make it to DVD sometime in the near future. But in the meantime Loverboy is basically Hasen’s story in his own words and pictures. The first part is him explaining how his short stature sometimes gets in the way of his love for tall women while the second part is about his comics career.


Shawn Says: New Releases January 20, 2010

Where Shawn looks at the New Releases and lets you know which books she is most excited about!


1) Nola #3

Cover B is done by the one and only Chris Brunner who will be attending the Charlotte Minicon this Saturday, January 23! So pick one up and get it signed!

2) Cavewoman Cover Gallery #3 and Cavewoman Pangean Sea #11

Budd Root, who will also be at the Charlotte Minicon, has not one but TWO books coming out this week. Crazy! Be sure to check out Budd’s prints at the Minicon! Be mindful that Budd’s art is risque and intended for mature audiences.

3) Joe the Barbarian #1

Grant Morrison teams up with Sean Gordon Murphy (who will be at HeroesCon in June) on a new miniseries about a little boy who is stuck between fantasy and reality. He could be hallucinating or he could be experiencing a new reality, either way I’m sure it will be an interesting journey. And just in case you need one more reason to buy it, this first issue is only $1! I’m sold!


4) Kids of Widney High One-Shot

This one shot is written by the  members of Kids of Widney High which is a rock band that consists of graduates of a special education high school in LA. It is illustrated by some awesome artists including: Chuck BB, Robbi Rodriguez, Rafael Navarro, Jim Mahfood, Neal Von Flue and Rikki Niehaus and Mahfood is on cover duty.

5) Rasl #6

Jeff Smith’s Rasl just keeps getting better and better. Who doesn’t like time travel mixed with art thievery?


Reynolds Rap: New Releases January 13, 2010

Where Shawn looks at the New Releases and lets you know which books she is most excited about!


1) Nation X #2

Nation X is a collection of mutant stories and there adventures in Utopia. Becky Cloonan drew and wrote the final story, which features Gambit and Pixie. And Tim Fish spins a yarn about Northstar. Looks cool!

2) Muppet Show #1

The Muppets are going on a cross-country tour and Roger Langridge is at the helm. Count me in!

3) Daytripper #2

After reading the first issue I am really curious where this book is going.


4) Marvels Project #5

You should be reading this book. If you aren’t then you hate America.  Why do you hate America?

 5) Ed Hannigan: Covered

Marvel and The Hero Initiative team up on this benefit for Ed Hannigan. Ed has Multiple Sclerosis and proceeds from this book will help him with medical costs. The book contains cover art, design work and tributes.


Reynolds Rap: New Releases January 06, 2010

Where Shawn looks at the New Releases and lets you know which books she is most excited about!

siegecvr1) Siege #1

All your favorite Avengers team up to take down Norman Osbourne and restore order to the Marvel Universe! Also out this week is Seige Embedded #1. It focuses on Ben Urich and the media coverage of the events in SiegeChris Samnee is on art and Brian Reed is on words.

2) Life & Times of Uncle Scrooge HC

Boom! Studios re-releases this collection as a lovely hardcover. It collects some of the best Scrooge stories out there. Plus it has gold embossing hidden beneath the dustjacket. Classy!

3) King City #4

Kudos to Image for picking up Brandon Graham’s King City after Tokyopop dropped it in 2008 when they cut back on their titles. The first six issues of the Image series are reprinting content from King City vol 1 TP, along with some extras and back-ups thrown in for good measure. But starting with issue #7 there will be all new story.

4) Weird Western Tales #71 and Suicide Squad #67

DC is resurrecting dead titles this month as tie-ins to the Blackest Night storyline. First up is Weird Western Tales (with Jonah Hex!) and Suicide Squad. Check out the back several pages of Blackest Night #6 for all the covers of the resurrected books. I think it is a really cool idea, especially once I got over the initial frustration of how to order them.


5) Unclothed Man in the 35th Century AD HC

Dash Shaw’s art in this book is amazing. Compared to his work on Bottomless Belly Button it is really experimental and abstracted. I am really excited about reading it! And then after I read it I am going to check out the IFC animated web series based on the book.


Reynolds Rap: New Releases Last Minute Christmas Gifts Edition

Where Shawn looks at the New Releases and lets you know which ones would make good Christmas gifts!

dcu af series 3

1) History of the DCU Series 3 action figures

Figures in this series include Braniac, Ocean Master, Plastic Man and Superman. I have really liked the sculpts on the History of the DCU figures. They are really cool looking! We are also getting in a number of the Eaglemoss lead figurines. So be sure to take a look at those. Toys make perfect stocking stuffers!

2) Supergirl Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade TP

Perfect for your little sister or younger cousin who enjoys superheroes but is tired of reading stories about Batman, Superman or Spider-Man. It is a cute, well-done Supergirl story that portrays her as a believable character.

3) Retro Grey Hulk statue

What do you get the Hulk fan who has everything? Why a Hulk statue of course! Also coming out Wednesday are two Ghost Rider related busts: Johnny Blaze and Danny Ketch.

mini marvels peanuts

4) Mini Marvels Ultimate Collection TP

Mini Marvels appeal to comics fans of any age. Chris Giarrusso has a wonderful sense of humor that is greatly underappreciated. I got the image to the left from Acme Comic’s website (please forgive me Jermaine). It was too perfect not to use!

5) Buffy the Vampire Slayer Willow One Shot

Joss Whedon and Karl Moline (who did the art for Fray) explain what Willow did after Sunnydale implodes. Great jumping on point for new readers!