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Shawn Says: New Releases January 26, 2010

Where Shawn looks at the New Releases and lets you know which books she is most excited about!


1) Afrodisiac HC

Afrodisiac is a blaxploitation story told using the storytelling conventions of 70s comics. It is illustrated by Jim Rugg and co-created and co-written by Brian Maruca. We are already sold out of this book! But fear not! If you want a copy you will be able to pick one up at our lovely store Sunday, February 7 when Rugg and Chris Pitzer will be here for a store signing. They will have lots of copies available! If you can’t make it and want a copy let us know and we will get you a copy then, if not before.

2) Dark Reign Hawkeye #5, Captain America Reborn #6 and Kick Butt #8

Marvel is catching up on their shipping schedules and plenty of titles are coming out that people have been anticipating.

3) Marvelous Land of Oz #3

Check out this sweet interior art done by Skottie Young, who we just recently added to the guest list of Heroes Con 2010!


4) New Avengers #61

Siege is in full swing and Steve Rogers is back!


5) Loverboy HC and SC

One of my big regrets from Heroes Con 09 was not seeing the Irwin Hasen documentary. Everyone I talked to who saw it was blown away. I hope that the documentary will make it to DVD sometime in the near future. But in the meantime Loverboy is basically Hasen’s story in his own words and pictures. The first part is him explaining how his short stature sometimes gets in the way of his love for tall women while the second part is about his comics career.

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