
Entries in shannon (1)


Shannon Smith Gives the Indie Island Rundown

Indie Island t-shirt by Joe LambertIf you didn’t get enough info from our latest podcast covering HeroesCon (and why to go) our good friend and contributor to the latest Dollar Bin Friends Assembled, Shannon Smith, gave a massive rundown on the greatness that is Indie Island (where you’ll be able to find us).

Here’s a taste. Check out the rest on his site!

HeroesCon for the indie hipster.

HeroesCon kicks off next weekend in Charlotte, NC USA. With mainstream comics big guns like Bendis, Brubaker, Claremont and Fraction it is easy to forget that HeroesCon also hosts one of the east coast’s finest gatherings of indie and small press talents in the con within a con known as Indie Island. Between Indie Island and the show’s Small Press tables there is a staggering amount of talent for the indie hipster to check out. The Indie Island guest list is here and the Small Press list is here. Check them out and start making your list of all your favorite indie folks. I can’t comment on all of them but here are some folks I recommend you check out…