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Shawn Says: Spotlight on New Releases March 31, 2010

In which Shawn looks at the New Releases and lets you know which books she is most excited about!

1) Blackest Night #8

Did someone say “splash pages”? The final installment of the Blackest Night mini-series is plum full of action, excitement and suprises. Here at Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find you get a free Black Lantern ring with purchase of Blackest Night #8!

2) Amazing Spider-Man #627

Roger Stern and Lee Weeks and the Juggernaut? Sign me up!

3) X-Men Second Coming #1

Hope and Cable return from the future to the X-Men and Utopia (their new home near San Francisco).


4) John Stanley Library Melvin Monster HC vol 2

It is like John Stanley took what I love about the Addams Family and the Munsters and turned it into a comic book. It has the perfect amount of humor and camp. I love it!

5) RASL #7

I seriously can’t wait to get home so I can read this book! If loving RASL and Jeff Smith is wrong than I don’t want to be right.

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