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Shawn Says: New Releases February 3, 2010

crogans march

1) Crogan’s March HC

Crogan’s March is the second volume of Chris Schweizer’s Crogan Adventures in which Schweizer goes through the Crogan family tree and tells action-packed stories about the patriarchs. The first volume was Crogan’s Vengeance and it focused on “Catfoot” Crogan the pirate. This go round we learn about Peter Crogan who was in the French Foreign Legion. The attention to detail is remarkable. Schweizer heavily researches every aspect of the story to ensure that it is historically accurate even though it is a work of fiction. While the stories are mainly geared toward boys (like Tintin and other adventure stories) they appeal to a wide audience. Who doesn’t like a good action/adventure story? What I love most about Schweizer’s work is his dynamic art. It has so much energy and movement that you are swept up into the story. You may have noticed the picture on the right, I swiped it from Schweizer’s blog! I couldn’t resist using it!

5) GI Joe Origins #12

This issue is all about Baroness who has always been one of my favorite characters from GI Joe. It is written by Marc Andreyko and features art by the awesome Ben Templesmith! Sweet!

3) Marvel Heartbreakers #1

Marvel brings you a collection of love stories just in time for Valentine’s Day. Among them are stories about Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane Watson (written by Kathryn Immonen with art by Elena Casagrande) and a story Tabitha Smith and Elsa Bloodstone from Nextwave (written by Rick Spears with art by James Callahan). Marvel has been doing some really interesting anthology-esque collaborative comics recently.

4) Tiny Titans TP vol 3

I love this book! It always makes me smile. So if life is getting you down, pick this book up and I am certain that you will feel better.


2) Deadpool Team-Up #896

Did you know that it will take Marvel roughly 75 years to get to Deadpool Team-Up #1? That is if they continue to put one issue out every month. Shelley and I did the math on that yesterday. Oh the fun we have! In this issue Deadpool “teams up” with U.S. Ace against giant-sized killer raccoons. Shawn Crystal is on art duty for this issue. You may remember him from the pirate story arc back in Deadpool #13 and #14.

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