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Happy Holidays!

As you may have noticed we’ve been kind of quiet the last 2 weeks and taken a bit of a break for the holidays. We’ll be back with some new updates next week as we get back into the swing of things and head into the new year.

Remember to check out our forum and join in as we continue to put together our recap of our year with comics for the 2008 edition of the Dollar Bin Awards. The awards gala will take place next month so the nominations and voting process won’t last much longer so don’t delay in making your choices!

You can also always give us feedback by leaving us a voicemail on the DB hotline at #864-335-9148. You can call to give us love, give us grief, share what you’ve read, what we should be reading or just to wish everyone a happy Festivus.

Happy Holidays everybody (which ever ones you might celebrate) thanks for another great year at The Dollar Bin and we wish you all a Happy New Year!


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