Captain America Smoking
Check out this fantastic 3D scuplture of Captain America by Sven Juhlin from Stockholm, Sweden over at Once you make the jump click the image to see him larger. The level of detail is astounding. I’m not sure I like the fact that Cap is smoking a cigar but I’m able to over look it as this is worthy to be my desktop image right now.
Reader Comments (4)
So you're upset that Cappy is smoking, but not offended that he looks like an old man, that the wings on his head look like crescent shaped powdered potstickers and that his shield looks as sturdy as a 5 dollar aluminum trascan lid.
I think he looks pretty good for a dead guy.
Besides, what would a Swedish dude know about Captain America?
(Wow...that came out a shitload more imperialistic then I meant it).
But yeah, I have some problems with the overall presentation of Cap, but I think the work in and of itself is really nice looking.
Maybe not how I'd envision Cap if I was the artist, but as a show of skill level I think it's really nice.
Definitely tons of artistic merit in this. Meticulously done.
However, he's just a moustache and a smiley-face button away from being Edward Blake, the Comedian as Captain America.
I don't have anything particularly nice to say about this statue, so I just won't say anything at all.