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Another Blackest Night Ring Promotion

Want to show your support for your favorite Corps during DC’s Blackest Night crossover? DC is making that possible but it’ll cost you and your local comic shop.

DC helped promote the beginning of Blackest Night by giving away Black Lantern rings; this was a popular promotion so here is the follow-up. Retailers can order the rings based on orders of Blackest Night #5 and several November tie-in issues: Justice League of America #39, Booster Gold #26, Doom Patrol #4, Adventure Comics #4, R.E.B.E.L.S #10 and Outsiders #24. Retailers may order Promotional Blackest Night Rings as follows:

For every 25 copies of Doom Patrol #4 ordered by the order increase cut-off date, retailers may order one bag of fifty YELLOW RINGS at a net cost of $8.00 U.S. Scheduled to arrive in shops on November 4.

For every 25 copies of Booster Gold #26 ordered by the order increase cut-off date, retailers may order one bag of fifty ORANGE RINGS at a net cost of $8.00 U.S. Scheduled to arrive in stores on November 18.

For every 50 copies of Justice League of America #39 ordered by the order increase cut-off date, retailers may order one bag of fifty RED RINGS at a net cost of $8.00 U.S. Scheduled to arrive in stores on December 2.

For every 50 copies of Blackest Night #5 ordered by the order increase cut-off date, retailers may order one bag of fifty GREEN RINGS at a net cost of $8.00 U.S. Scheduled to arrive in stores on December 16.

For every 50 copies of Adventure Comics #4 ordered by the order increase cut-off date, retailers may order one bag of fifty BLUE RINGS at a net cost of $8.00 U.S. Scheduled to arrive in stores on December 30.

For every 25 copies of R.E.B.E.L.S #10 ordered by the order increase cut-off date, retailers may order one bag of fifty INDIGO RINGS at a net cost of $8.00 U.S. Scheduled to arrive in stores on January 13.

For every 25 copies of Outsiders #24 ordered by the order increase cut-off date, retailers may order one bag of fifty VIOLET RINGS at a net cost of $8.00 U.S. Scheduled to arrive in stores on January 27.

Reader Comments (15)

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it isn't worth it for retailers. To adjust their numbers to get these lame rings.

August 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterAdam-Bin

Ok, I know I jokingly call things geeky all the time...but, this seems REALLY geeky. Like, I've never spoken to a girl without paying 99 cents a minute geeky. I mean, who'd wear one of those? Maybe as a freebie for kids, but how many of them are really reading Blackest Night (I hope not many given the content).

August 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTed

I have a phantom ring I got a Chicago Con still one of the coolest freebies I ever got. I am letting my geek flag fly.

August 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJoel

why does geeky=no pussy? I got a BJ in the parking lot of my lcs by 2 goth chicks who missed out on the black lantern ring promotion. I cant imagine what they would do for all the colored rings. :)

August 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBG

I have a Lord of the Rings "One Ring." Its awesome, but its too small for me now.

Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul
Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.

I'm just saying I wouldn't buy a lame fake ass Lantern power ring. Now if someone offered me one I'd take it then quickly lose it. If I were a comic shop I'd say, "Hey, you want a power ring? Then you have to buy one of these shitty comics I had to order to get it."

August 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterAdam-Bin

Oh yeah, and BG at BJ is not pussy its a BJ

August 19, 2009 | Registered CommenterAdam-Bin

Goth chicks don't count. They probably went home and cut their legs up because of what they did.

August 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTed

I want these so bad for my son!!

Duane Ballenger still wears his GL ring with the glow in the dark center from the 90's.

August 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJ Chris Campbell


August 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShawn

Goth chicks count twice. So... Anybody up for Dragon Con?

August 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBG

I'm thinking about going down to Dragon Con and just sitting outside one of the hotels. Watch all the parade of costumes.

August 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJ Chris Campbell

To be honest with you guys I am glad for the promotion. Several things come into play here.

First of all from my understanding this was not DC's idea. They did the Black Ring promotion and had positive results. Since then they have had alot of folks request that they do the same thing with the other rings. I myself had a conversation with them in San Diego about this. I suggested that they put together a cheap set of the rings (like the black ring) and offer them for sale. It would certainly be better than the $350 set they have already solicited for and they are not even supposed to be worn. If DC put the collection of rings of the same quality as the Black ring, together in a reasonable package they might be able to get the $20 or so for the set from the fans of the storyline. This way they may spend the same amount for the books to acquire the rings.

The other side of this is though everyone may not be enjoying this storyline, judging from the sales of these books a majority does. I am selling more issues of the Blackest Night books and Green Lantern titles than any other title currently running.

That being said for the folks that are picking up the storyline this will be a bonus for them. Most folks like to get a free item every now and then.

As a retailer I may not order many extra books just to get extra rings, but I will have to make sure that my customers that want the rings or the books are able to get one. And it is always the customers decision as to whether to make the purchase or not. I do not believe many folks will buy the book to get the ring that have not been following the story.

For my part I was happy to see that DC decided to do this promotion. It was not something that they had originally decided to do, but in this case they listened to the fans and acted.

Just thought I would throw an opinion out there from a retailer perspective. As a side note I am looking forward to having my own set of Lantern rings.


Richards Comics & Collectables
Greenville, SC

August 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRichard

I have the black ring and I don't wear it. But it is nice to have it anyway. I would also like to have the other colors, but don't know if my dealer will be getting any of them. Blackest Night is the best storyline in a while.

November 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWD

After stating I would not be getting any of these rings Richard gave me the black one just to prove me wrong. I then gave it to my friend Gary for his 40th birthday.

Richard built a little ring bearing box to hold his.

November 3, 2009 | Registered CommenterAdam-Bin

I have always been a huge green lantern fan, and you have never been able to find a ring that actually looks cool, or at all realistic. I originally just wanted the green ring, then it was just green and blue. I know have the whole set, plus an extra green for my nephew, and am waiting for the white one to come out. I think it's awesome. How cool will it be if my kids get into GL and I can pull out a sweet green lantern ring for them to play with. I think the promotion is awesome.
I am a nerd, and I embrace it! I also write for a motorcycle racing magazine, ride motorcycles, and do all kinds of outdoor activities like climbing, canoeing, cycling, and backpacking. So I like to thing i'm pretty cool actually. And I wear my GL ring often. Especially if I need a little pick me up. Sometimes I wear it with a GL button on my lapel. So screw you all, nerd doesn't mean outcast anymore.

April 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJC GL

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