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Entries in shawn (96)


Discussion: Thanksgiving 2011

‘Tis the season to be thankful and as usual the Dollar Bin sets aside petty disapointments to be thankful for what the comics industry has brought us in the year 2011.  This year Adam, Brian, Shaka, and Shawn will break down what they are thankful for by publisher, much like Adam organizes his books.

Runtime 1 (0) hour 15 (33) minutes 7 (0) seconds

Discussion: Thanksgiving 2011


Discussion: Comics on the Couch 1122

In this weeks episode of the Dollar Bin we start things off with a little Dollar Bin Definitive Top 5:  Chattiest Characters in Comics then Adam and Shawn talk for a while about what they’ve been reading outside of the DC and Marvel universes.

* Never do a Google Images search for the word “Spontaneous.”

Runtime 52 minutes and 52 seconds

Discussion: Comics on the Couch 1122


Discussion: Top 5 Murdering Bastards and Female Characters

This week we are posting, for your listening pleasure, a couple Dollar Bin Definitive Top 5 lists:  Most Murdering Bastards and Female Characters.  We hope you enjoy and don’t forget to leave some comments.

Runtime 29 minutes and 04 seconds

Discussion: Top 5 Murdering Bastards and Female Characters


Discussion: Batman Year One the Movie

Brian purchased Batman: Year One on DVD the day it was released and since he enjoyed watching All-Star Superman with Adam and Shawn so much he actually waited until Saturday to drive all the way to Greenville and watch it with them.  Because of Brian’s great sacrifice we now bring you the following discussion.

Runtime 1 hour 01 minutes 52 seconds

Discussion: Batman Year One the Movie


Discussion: SPX 2011

So finally, after a month of DC, Shawn and Adam get to move on to the rest of the comics universe.  This week the discussion falls on SPX.  Expect reminisces, reviews, and rambling.  Oh, and rapping, featuring Mega Ran, Adam Warrock, Tribe One, and K-Murdock.

Runtime 1 hour 29 minutes 13 seconds

Discussion: SPX 2011


Discussion: DC 52 Relaunch the Recap

Finally, the DC Comics 52 relaunch is over and we, as well as the sales figures (jab), can get back to normal.  Shawn and Adam discuss some final thoughts on month one of the relaunch including ups and downs as well as what they came away with.  Just perhaps a few guests will drop in for a say too.

Runtime 1 hour 12 minutes 36 seconds

Discussion: DC 52 Relaunch the Recap

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