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Entries in adam (140)


Episode 297b: FLUKE 2013 Reviews

Image by David MackAdam and Shawn attended FLUKE 2013.  As requested, they picked up some great candid interviews about nothing and even discussed some bonus relevant topics (in part 1).  To close it all out reviews, reviews, reviews (though I wouldn’t really describe what is done as reviewing).

Runtime 1 hour 1 minutes 59 seconds


In no particular order here are the creators we talked about, more or less:

-Patrick Dean
-Robert Newsome
-Rich Tommaso
-Jason Horn
-David Mack
-David Yoder
-Drew Weing
-Eleanor Davis
-Joey Weiser
-Michele Chidester
-Box Brown
-Sally Madden
-Adam Casey
-Jordan Fitch Mooney
-J Chris Campbell
-Wes Brooks
-Erin Gladstone
-Cara McGee
-Jackie Lewis
-Cassie Hart Kelly
-Sara Vivanco
-Em Helen Barnard
-Dean Trippe
-Audrey Morris
-Cullen Gardepe
-Duane Ballenger
-Brad McGinty
-Josh Latta
-Henry Eudy
-Chris Schweizer
-Chad Bowers
-Chris Sims

Episode 297b: FLUKE 2013 Reviews


Episode 297a: FLUKE 2013 Interviews

Patrick Dean and Robert NewsomeAdam and Shawn attended FLUKE 2013.  As requested, they picked up some great candid interviews about nothing and even discussed some bonus relevent topics.  To close it all out (in part 2) reviews, reviews, reviews (though I wouldn’t really discribe what is done at reviewing).

Runtime 43 minutes 21 seconds

Episode 297a: FLUKE 2013 Interviews


Episode 296: Pop Culture and Wrestlemania Predictions

Hey guys, its Adam.  I haven’t posted a show in a few weeks.  Brian and Shaka came over to watch Wrestlemania and we recorded, so here is a raw/uncut discussion on random pop culture stuff and our predictions for Wrestlemania.

Runtime 1 hour 40 minutes 29 seconds


Episode 296: Pop Culture and Wrestlemania Pridictions


Episode 295: Borderlands' Geek Trivia Night 3-12

Again, Adam and Shawn venture out into the cold unknown to test their skill at being true geeks and once again they (thankfully) fail.  After winning the first Borderlands’ Geek Trivia Night ever, they now claw and bleed to simply avoid last place.

Runtime 22 minutes 20 seconds

Episode 295: Borderlands' Geek Trivia Night 3-12


Episode 294: Comics on the Couch 312

This week Adam and Shawn catch up on comics.  They enthusiastically discuss current events in comics as well as what they are currently reading.

Runtime 53 minutes 51 seconds

Episode 294: Comics on the Couch 312


Episode 293: Interview with Ryan Browne

Cover by Ryan BrowneThis week Adam was lucky enough to get an interview with Ryan Browne to discuss his Kickstarter for his epic creation, God Hates Astronauts.  Ryan is also artist on Smoke and Mirrors (IDW), will be doing a few issues of The Manhattan Projects (Image) and will soon be taking over art on Bedlam (Image).

Runtime 24 minutes 14 seconds

Episode 293: Interview with Ryan Browne

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