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Entries in Fluke (7)


Episode 297b: FLUKE 2013 Reviews

Image by David MackAdam and Shawn attended FLUKE 2013.  As requested, they picked up some great candid interviews about nothing and even discussed some bonus relevant topics (in part 1).  To close it all out reviews, reviews, reviews (though I wouldn’t really describe what is done as reviewing).

Runtime 1 hour 1 minutes 59 seconds


In no particular order here are the creators we talked about, more or less:

-Patrick Dean
-Robert Newsome
-Rich Tommaso
-Jason Horn
-David Mack
-David Yoder
-Drew Weing
-Eleanor Davis
-Joey Weiser
-Michele Chidester
-Box Brown
-Sally Madden
-Adam Casey
-Jordan Fitch Mooney
-J Chris Campbell
-Wes Brooks
-Erin Gladstone
-Cara McGee
-Jackie Lewis
-Cassie Hart Kelly
-Sara Vivanco
-Em Helen Barnard
-Dean Trippe
-Audrey Morris
-Cullen Gardepe
-Duane Ballenger
-Brad McGinty
-Josh Latta
-Henry Eudy
-Chris Schweizer
-Chad Bowers
-Chris Sims

Episode 297b: FLUKE 2013 Reviews


Episode 297a: FLUKE 2013 Interviews

Patrick Dean and Robert NewsomeAdam and Shawn attended FLUKE 2013.  As requested, they picked up some great candid interviews about nothing and even discussed some bonus relevent topics.  To close it all out (in part 2) reviews, reviews, reviews (though I wouldn’t really discribe what is done at reviewing).

Runtime 43 minutes 21 seconds

Episode 297a: FLUKE 2013 Interviews


Event: FLUKE 2012 Recap

As always, the Dollar Bin trip to FLUKE was a memorable adventure of crazy times. In this episode Shawn and Adam discuss their memories and all of the great stuff they picked up.  Also included is the annual interview with FLUKE organizers, Patrick Dean and Robert Newsome.

Runtime 1 hour 32 minutes 10 seconds

Event: FLUKE 2012 Recap


Discussion: FLUKE 2011 Reviews

So, a few weeks ago members of the Dollar Bin attended FLUKE in Athens, GA.  Maybe you heard about it.  While there Adam and Shawn picked up books.  In this first Dollar Bin episode of the week get a listen to what they thought about these eye candy grabs: Jackie Lewis, Shannon Smith, Pranas T. Naujokaitis, Eleanor Davis

Runtime 28 minutes 46 seconds

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Discussion: FLUKE 2011 Reviews


Event: FLUKE 2011

As many of you who visit the site know, sometimes the Dollar Bin communicates with the written word, but when the truth to be conveyed is something as amazing as the FLUKE 10th Anniversary Spectacular you better believe its coming at you through your earholes.

However, if you are into words in letter form check out these great FLUKE write-ups:

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Dollar Bin FLUKE Anthology:  Joey Weiser, J Chris Campbell, Duane Ballenger, Josh Latta, Henry Eudy, Bridgit Scheide, Falynn K, Ted, Brian, Devin, Shawn, Adam, and Kris

Runtime 1 hour 07 minutes 40 seconds

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Event: FLUKE 2011


Discussion: Fluke Pick-up Reviews

A few weeks ago Adam and Shawn of the Dollar Bin attended Fluke in Athens, GA.  While there they picked up many books from many creators.  They then read them all and recorded reviews to end cap the last 15 minutes of the Fluke wrap up show.  However, there was so much to say about all the great stuff that the reviews spawned their own show that would one day grow into what you hear here.

Runtime: 45 minutes 35 seconds

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Discussion: Fluke Pick-up Reviews