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Entries in Event (21)


Event: FLUKE 2011

As many of you who visit the site know, sometimes the Dollar Bin communicates with the written word, but when the truth to be conveyed is something as amazing as the FLUKE 10th Anniversary Spectacular you better believe its coming at you through your earholes.

However, if you are into words in letter form check out these great FLUKE write-ups:

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Dollar Bin FLUKE Anthology:  Joey Weiser, J Chris Campbell, Duane Ballenger, Josh Latta, Henry Eudy, Bridgit Scheide, Falynn K, Ted, Brian, Devin, Shawn, Adam, and Kris

Runtime 1 hour 07 minutes 40 seconds

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Event: FLUKE 2011


Event: Charlotte Minicon 2011

Live (at the time) from the Charlotte Minicon in Charlotte, NC… your very own Dollar Bin!  That’s right we were in full force at this year’s Charlotte Minicon and it did not disapoint.  We have a great collection of interviews for you including Chris Brunner, Sanford Greene, and Dustin (K) Harbin.  We got all that and a bag a chips plus a side of Heather and Shawn.  Thanks to everyone who helped make this an awesome experience, especially Tee.

Runtime: 1 hour 14 minutes 37 seconds

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Event: Charlotte Minicon 2011


Event: New York Comic Con 2010

Shawn and Adam take a visit to NYCC 2010.  If you’ve ever wondered what its like we’ll fill you in on everything, the good, the bad, and the ugly.  Some pretty nice things get said about GB Tran, Eric Kim, Rick Spears, Tom DeFalco, Vertigo, Joe Simon, Jamie McKelvie and Kieron Gillen, and Ryan Kelly.  Some fist shakes directed toward crowds, signs, tight dude costumes, and generally oblivious people.

Runtime: 56 minute 28 seconds

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Event: New York Comic Con 2010


Event: NYCC 2010 - Vertigo Panel Bootleg

Art by Chrissie ZulloWhile at the New York Comic Convention 2010 I sat one full panel.  That panel was Vertigo: On the Edge.  Why that panel?  Chrissie Zullo.  While there I say along side CBR reporter, Karl Kelly.  He was recording the panel for his notes, so I thought I’ll record this thing from the audience guerilla style and see what I get. 

Those in attendence include the following plus many more:  Brian Azzarello, Andy Diggle, Chrissie Zullo, Scott Snyder, and Mike Carey

Runtime: 1 hour 00 minute 16 seconds

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Vertigo: On the Edge Panel at NYCC 2010


Event: On the Road from SPX 2010 Part 1

The journey back from SPX 2010 was a long one, but more information than can fit on a floppy disk was shared and absorbed on a trek that felt like traveling the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.  Straight to the point: interviews with Roger Langridge, Ed Piskor, and the Full Sanction guys - our thoughts - how to buy books - how to sell - how to survive SPX.

Runtime: 1 hour 12 minute 57 seconds

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Event: On the Road from SPX 2010 Part 1


Event: Baltimore Comic Convention 2010

In this episode of the Dollar Bin Adam and Shawn discuss their experience of Baltimore Comic Convention 2010.  This show is broken up into 3-ish parts:  Pre Convention, Post Convention, and Interviews (not particularly in that order).  Topics of discussion include Steve Niles, Doug Wagner, lines, Francesco Francavila, Tony Harris, the Fillbach Brothers, Jim Shooter, Curls Studio, Richard Thompson, Jason Horn, and a butt load more.

Runtime: 1 hour 09 minute 56 seconds

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Event: Baltimore Comic Convention 2010