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Entries in discussion (83)


Discussion: Hitting the Streets 823

To help break of the monotony of the Adam and Shawn Dollar Bin Adam hit the streets and traveled to Borderlands Comics and Games and Richard’s Comics and Collectables to talk shop.  Rob Young, owner of Borderlands, and Brendan Silent, employee of Richard’s spend some time talking comics.  So guys, what’s happenin’?

Runtime 43 minutes 11 seconds

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Discussion: Hitting the Streets 823


Comic Book Theatre - Hulk

So on a lazy Tuesday evening with no show to post and the effects of a long day weighing on them both Adam and Shawn take the edit free easy way out and bring to you commentary and reviews while watching Hulk.  They thought it was the easy way out, but that is one long dang flick.  Also, curious what Hulk XXX is about?  Well, you won’t be anymore.

Runtime 2 hours 21 minutes 38 seconds

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Comic Book Theater: Hulk


Discussion: Comics on the Couch 809

Join Dollar Bin’s own Adam and Shawn as they sit around and talk about the finer aspects of comics, like racists and complainy mcgusses.  Also, have you heard of that Womanthology thing?  How about Remake by Lamar Abrams?

Runtime 36 minutes 37 seconds

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Discussion: Comics on the Couch 809


Discussion: Pre SDCC 2011

Image by Carolyn BelefskiUnfortunately, Adam nor Shawn (nor the rest of the Dollar Bin) will be going to Comic-Con International this year, but that won’t stop us from talking about it.  Tonight, a little WWE Money in the Bank wrap-up, what Shawn wishes she was doing in San Diego, and why Adam loves Nat Jones.

Runtime 36 minutes 16 seconds

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Discussion: Pre SDCC 2011


Discussion: Comics on the Couch 711

Between panels, large gatherings, and major events, Shawn and Adam have a seat on the couch and just talk comics.  On the Agenda:  Pickups from the 10/$1 sale at Richard’s Comics and Collectables, Upstate:  Superhero Swap and Shop, what we’ve been reading, what we’re planning on picking up (Loose Ends), and some other stuff.

Runtime 55 minutes 54 seconds

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Discussion: Comics on the Couch 711


Discussion: DC Talk - Relaunch Part 2

Image by Bradd PartonContinuing our Dollar Bin coverage of the DC “relaunch” we discuss the rest of DCs 52 titles as well as how we feel about the digital age and what it means for our friends the comic book stores.  Will it revitalize or will it destroy?  Are we all a little over dramatic?

This week’s image is by our good friend Bradd Parton.  It’s an Alphasketch.  Click on the image to check the detail, every letter used once and none more.  Check out Bradds’ weekly contests over on his site,

Runtime 56 minutes 33 seconds

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Discussion: DC Talk - DC Relaunch Part 2

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