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Discussion: DC Talk - Relaunch Part 2

Image by Bradd PartonContinuing our Dollar Bin coverage of the DC “relaunch” we discuss the rest of DCs 52 titles as well as how we feel about the digital age and what it means for our friends the comic book stores.  Will it revitalize or will it destroy?  Are we all a little over dramatic?

This week’s image is by our good friend Bradd Parton.  It’s an Alphasketch.  Click on the image to check the detail, every letter used once and none more.  Check out Bradds’ weekly contests over on his site,

Runtime 56 minutes 33 seconds

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Discussion: DC Talk - DC Relaunch Part 2

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Reader Comments (14)

Again, great show! Probably the only DC books I'll pick up are Detective, Batman, and Swamp Thing just because those are the only characters I care about (and I'm fine with only buying two Batman books and not the ten or so that are coming out).

On the side of digital, I think I'll stick with physical copies. I know that iPads are cool and what not, but the physical copies don't crash, overheat, get viruses, etc. Also, the digital files make it easier for people to download them illegally. Plus, no matter what anyone says, digital comics will destroy the comic shops (just look at what happened to music and movie stores).

And on the last note, I don't care what paper it is printed on, glossy or variant covers, or any of the other gimmicks publishers do, I only care about the story and art quality of my comics, so anything they can do to get the price down is okay with me.

July 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMitch Rogers

You guys are way too harsh on DC, but it is funny. Flashpoint is good and the reboot/whatever is needed. The tie-ins are sold out at many stores after the big news. Fear Itself is dead in the water. Lets hear your input on the Marvel state of affairs. DC actually lowered their prices on more than half of the line. Marvel is reducing page count to 20 pgs and still charging 3.99. DC will come out with a win on this gamble and Barbara Gordon back as Batgirl rules! Fuck Alan Moore! If you can travel through time, you sure as fuck can cure barbarra gordon, or at least give her a bio-suit capable of enabling movement. i get the argument she's an icon for the disabled but this is comic books, and artificial limbs, nano-surgery, etc. probably isnt that far off in our own future. besides, selina is oracle in the flashpoint universe.

July 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBG

Oh, I have words for Marvel as well. I've notic3ed Flashpoint is leaving the shelves. I just figured it was cause shops were ordering low. Of course Babara Gordon can be heal or use nano tech. DC is already half cyborgs. Batman's back was broken and he's fine now. The question isn't can it happen. The question is should it happen. Barbara Gordon is a character who became handicapped and then over came it by developing skills in other areas, much like Daredevil. Maybe Marvel should give Daredevil his sight back. Then he could be normal and super.

July 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterAdam-Bin

The reboot ISN'T needed. The only thing that DC needs to do to bring in bigger sales is to just concentrate on good storytelling and art, not fucking up their books. You actually can improve comics without stupid gimmicks or other crap, but for some reason publishers aren't that smart. In my opinion DC has sucked ever since they restructured last year. They think that in order to bring in new readers is to alienate the people who've been with them for decades. They're morons. And the only reason the relaunch will sell a million copies is us, as readers, are too stupid and will buy them anyway, complaining about it the whole time, instead of showing DC and just not buying the books.

P.S.- don't get me started on Marvel.

July 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMitch Rogers

See, Barbara Gordon was a super-hero before she became disabled. Daredevil became a hero because of his disability.(and I gurantee Daredevli will get his sight back in some upcoming storyline) I think it should happen, because it is possible in the DC universe. I think she'll remain handi-capped, she'll just have a power suit that gives her mobility when necessary(this is all speculation on my part). I think DC has tried to change a lot of things you guys have been complaining about: High Prices, confusing continuity, minority characters getting canceled or replaced, etc. Where they screwed up was having Jim Lee design everything. That you were completely right about. They should have done more all-ages books at a $1.99 price point as Brian suggested, and started doing free in-continuity online comics, as Chris Simms suggested at comics alliance. Anyway, another great show, Intro was cool. You should do more of those, like the Mangog one. oh, and the Moritat art on the Jonah Hex relaunch looks amazing.

July 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBG

New Harley Quinn looks like Typhoid Mary. Also, Mr. Terrific's writer is black. Not sure what to think of that at the moment.

July 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTerence!!

The little ive read from Eric Wallace is good. I read the checkmate issues he did with Rucka and the Kobra mini-series, both which were good. I can tell you he will be WAAAAY better than Guggenheim. He's not gonna take away his super-intelligence or anything.

July 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBG

Eric Trautman, my bad. I got the Eric's mixed up. Dont know this guy. Damn, that completely changes my decision on buying this.

July 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBG

The fact is that #1 issues sell in a big way. This is a bald-faced money grab.

July 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJo-El

High-Five on the super SWEET cover art for this episode!

July 17, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter-PookeyG-

Agreed on the cover art. Thanks again Bradd.

I find the phrase "bald face lie" curious. I always said "bold faced lie." You know like the text bold, meaning it stands out because it is in a "bold face type."

July 18, 2011 | Registered CommenterAdam-Bin

Excellent podcast. Really enjoyed it. One question: where can I find the column by Jason Aaron referred to towards the end? It was something about Aaron writing about how much comic book writers make per page. Curious to read it, but can't find it (have tried my best with Google...). Look forward to hearing more.

July 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGareth

Gareth, we read that somewhere on the Net months and months ago. I can't remember where, but we'll see if we can find it.

July 25, 2011 | Registered CommenterDollar Bin

So far I found this:

July 25, 2011 | Registered CommenterDollar Bin

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