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Entries in adam (140)


Event: On the Road from SPX 2010 Part 1

The journey back from SPX 2010 was a long one, but more information than can fit on a floppy disk was shared and absorbed on a trek that felt like traveling the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.  Straight to the point: interviews with Roger Langridge, Ed Piskor, and the Full Sanction guys - our thoughts - how to buy books - how to sell - how to survive SPX.

Runtime: 1 hour 12 minute 57 seconds

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Event: On the Road from SPX 2010 Part 1


Event: On the Road to SPX 2010

Welcome to The Road to SPX 2010, the first part of what was intended to be the one part documentary, SPX:  The Roadtrip, covering the entire journey to and from Small Press Expo in Bethesda, MD.  On this journey you can join in with Adam, Heather, and Shawn as they travel north with J Chris Campbell in search of indy comic book nirvana.  Tune in next week for Part 2, SPX 2010: The Long Journey Home.

Runtime: 30 minute 50 seconds

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Event: On the Road to SPX 2010


Review: Scott Pilgrim Movie

Scott Pilgrim is a movieScott Pilgrim is a book.  Scott Pilgrim is Canadian.  Scott Pilgrim is a douche.  We love Scott Pilgrim.  He may be with fault, but they are fults we can live with and though we may complain once and a while we’ll stand by him.  This week we review Scott Pilgrim.  Don’t believe me, then listen for yourself.

Runtime: 1 hour 12 minute 57 seconds

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Review: Scott Pilgrim Movie


Interview: Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz Part 2

A few months back Adam, Joel, and Tee of the Dollar Bin got together for their first two guest skypephonerview.  Who were the lucky test subjects?  Why none other that former Editor in Chief of Marvel comics, Tom DeFalco and his comics life partner and artist extraordinaire, Ron Frenz.  Listen as they discuss dealing with the Direct Market, Spider-Girl, Thor, Thunderstrike, and how much Joel sucks.

Runtime: 1 hour 18 minute 05 seconds

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Interview: Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz Part 2


Review: Scott Pilgrim the Book

After almost 10 years the Scott Pilgrim series by Bryan Lee O’Malley finally comes to a conclusion.  This week the Dollar Bin puts together a group compliled of those who have been waiting for years to those have been waiting hours to finally discover Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour.  Let’s see what they had to say.

Runtime: 52 minute 51 seconds

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Discussion: Scott Pilgrim the Book


Interview: Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz Part 1

A few months back Adam, Joel, and Tee of the Dollar Bin got together for their first two guest skypephonerview.  Who were the lucky test subjects?  Why none other that former Editor in Chief of Marvel comics, Tom DeFalco and his comics life partner and artist extraordinaire, Ron Frenz.  Listen as they discuss their work with Spider-Girl, Marvel Team-Up, and a plethora of other greatnesses.

Runtime: 1 hour 18 minute 47 seconds

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Interview: Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz Part 1

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