Discussion: Thor, The Mighty Avenger

Thou art rockin’ the Thor with the Dollar Bin. There has been quite a bit of chatter on the InterWebs about Thor: The Mighty Avenger over the last few months and its been no different within the DollarBinWebs. Its not all roses and unicorns in this episode as the Dollar Bin discusses Thor: The Mighty Avenger, but don’t worry, its not raptors and poison sumak either.
Runtime: 1 hour 19 minutes 27 seconds
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Reader Comments (3)
Haha! "It's not my cup of Thor." "Your tears will be used as inks in future issues." This is great guys, great conversation. Y'all are hilarious.
"think of your individual issues of Thor: the Mighty Avenger as photos back to a happier time." bit distracted at first, but REALLY enjoyed this podcast!
I just used my membership to listen to the outtakes and while I understand why they were cut they were still some of the funniest bits. It's a shame those without a membership can't hear them.