Discussion: HeroesCon 2010 Wrap-up
Tuesday, July 6, 2010 Filed in Discussions
About a month ago the Dollar Bin attended HeroesCon in Charlotte, NC. A couple weeks after they got together with HeroesCon staff and attending profesionals Jason Latour and Chris Brunner to discuss the experience. This is their tale.
Runtime: 1 hour 37 minute 58 seconds
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Reader Comments (7)
Who should play Josh Latta in the "Shit my Husband Says" off Broadway musical?
That's a good question. We should think it over, so we have a stronger presentation when we pitch our treatment. Is Brad Pitt too old?
Great show. Really funny stuff.
New goal in life: to take a math quiz with Dusty Rhodes.
It sounds like everyone had a blast. I wish I lived a little closer than 3000+ miles away. One day maybe I can go....
Please tell me the G.I. Joe conversation is going to become a Dollar Bin short. That is too funny not to share!
Another fun show. Thanks for ALL the coverage of Heroes Con. You guys did a great job. Sounds like it was a blast.