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Episode 306: Curent Events and Other Ponderings

Finally and episode without Adam on it (sorta).  Brian, Shawn, Danny, and Shaka talk comic current events including what they are reading and the Image Expo.

Runtime 1 hour 0 minutes 28 seconds

Epidsode 306: Current Events and Other Ponderings


Episode 305: Comics and Everything Part Two - Growth

Ashley HoltThis week in the Dollar Bin I present to you a show like you’ve never heard before.  A show of descent and intrigue, faith, hope, and disapointment.  However, most setting it apart from any other show before it is Ashley Holt.  Funny thing, this is part two.  Keep and eye out for part one next week.

Runtime 1 hour 12 minutes 44 seconds

Episode 305: Comics and Everything Part Two - Growth


Unrelated: The Glass Menagerie

Today is my friend Jen’s birthday.  While going through old stuff, I found this on my hard drive and decided, why not share it with the world.  Back when she was the college radio manager at the College of Notre Dame of Maryland (an all girls school) she coaxed some friends and a professor into producing a radio drama of The Glass Menagerie.  She is the reason I started working with post editing of spoken word broadcasts leading me to realize I enjoyed doing it.  Without her the Dollar Bin, at least as it is, may not exist.  Happy birthday, Jen.

Runtime 48 minutes 03 seconds

Unrelated: The Glass Menagerie


Episode 304: Comics Elimination 2013 Round 3 and 4

This week on the Dollar Bin we tackle the Rounds of 16 and 8 of the Comics Book Elimination Challange.  We also get to know a little more about contributor, Ted, and recap up-to-date bracket results with Shawn.  If you missed last weeks show because I posted it late, be sure to go back and get it.

Runtime 30 minutes 32 seconds

Episode 304: Comics Elimination 2013 Round 3 and 4


Episode 303: Comics Elimination 2013 Round 2

Image by Sanford GreeneIt’s that waaaay past time again to work our way through the Dollar Bin Comics Elimination Challange.  This week you will hear us narrow down the list to 16.  Who will make the cut?  How should I know.  We recorded this 3 months ago.  Also, special guest Sanford Greene helps us kick things off, so we can help promote his upcoming Kickstarter project.

Runtime 40 minutes 18 seconds

Episode 303: Comics Elimination 2013 Round 2


Episode 302: Pre HeroesCon 2013 Post Show

Art by Ted NaifehHeroesCon 2013 has come and gone.  We were so excited we forgot to post our preshow, so to make up for that here is a pre and post show.  I hope you weren’t depending on us to make your plans.  There is always next year.

Runtime 1 hour 18 minutes 43 seconds

Episode 302: Pre HeroesCon 2013 Post Show

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