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Episode 312: A Weekend of Cheap Comics

This weekend Adam and Shawn and a couple other Dollar Binners did one of the things they do best.  They dug through cheap comics! A jam packed series of events included Greenville Comics and Sports Cards show and the Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find Labor Day Weekend Warehouse Blowout Sale.

Runtime 1 hour 14 minutes 47 seconds

Episode 312: A Weekend of Cheap Comics


Episode 311: Adam Talks a Lot

Image by Jared CullumIn this episode of the Dollar Bin at the last minute Adam opens an invite for listeners to join in on the discussion via Skype and no one shows up, so Adam talks for about an hour straight.

Runtime:  57 minutes 47 seconds

Episode 311: Adam Talks a Lot


Episode 310: The Clip Show

Join Adam and Shawn as they host an hodgepodge of a show! First up Adam and Shawn talk about why you should back Bradd Parton’s Open Mic Nightmare Kickstarter. Also on tap is the conclusion to the much anticipated March Madness! Finally the winner is revealed and before 2014! Adam found some material on the cutting room floor from the infamous Reunion Show. Andy Runton is interviewed about HeroesCon and his awesome Indie Island print. Special sneak peak of the, as yet, unaired interview that Adam and Joel did with comic legend Howard Chaykin! All this and possibly more on a very special (and totally new and original) episode of The Dollar Bin.

Runtime 32 minutes 41 seconds

Episode 310: The Clip Show


Episode 309: Comics and Everything Part 3 - Problems Can't Be Fixed

This may be the best of our series with Ashley Holt.  It should be.  It’s like our 7th try.  In this episode we discuss all of the the comics community industry, what happened, what’s happening, and what can be done.  Discussed topics include comic books vs Mad, libraries, the cult of comics, the vicious cycle, a possible conspiracy, and those strip guys getting it done.

Runtime 1 hour 12 minutes 23 seconds

Episode 309: Comics and Everything Part 3 - Problems Can't Be Fixed


Episode 308: Monstercon 2013

This past weekend Shawn and Adam attended Monstercon, a 3 day convention, right in their own back yard (almost literally). Featured in this weeks coverage are Kells, Megan Wilson, Richard Morgan, and J Chris Campbell’s mom. We also discuss Nerdicon, Cannon Canvas Comics, and The Big Scary Show.

Runtime 1 hour 19 minutes 5 seconds



Episode 308: Monster Con 2013


Episode 307: Comics and Everything Part One - Creators

Image by Ashley HoltThis week on the Dollar Bin we present part one of our series of discussions with Ashley Holt.  Looking back, this one really should have been posted before part two.  Get to know Ashley and ease in to his view on the world of comics.  Also, we discuss audio books.

 Runtime 1 hour 7 minutes 33 seconds

Episode 307: Comics and Everything Part One - Creators

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