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Afrodisiac Wins AIGA Honor

AdHouse Books is pleased to announce that the book Afrodisiac by Brian Maruca and Jim Rugg was selected by AIGA as one of the outstanding books designed in 2009.

This time-honored competition aims to identify the 50 best-designed books and book covers that have been designed, produced and used in the marketplace between January 1 and December 31, 2009, as chosen by distinguished jurors.

Afrodisiac will become part of the AIGA Design Archives, a searchable visual database of exemplary design. The book will also be exhibited at the AIGA National Design Center in New York and offered as a traveling exhibition for display across the country. The physical artifacts comprise the AIGA Design Archives at the Denver Art Museum. A second set of the awarded books and covers becomes part of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Collection at the Butler Library, Columbia University, New York.

Publisher Chris Pitzer said, “I was very happy to hear the news. As a fan of Jim’s design work, it’s nice to see others appreciate it just as much.”

About the 50/50 Competition:

Recent 50/50 Winners:

Blog Post:

The second printings of Afrodisiac should be reaching local comic shops within two weeks.

* This information is from the AdHouse Newsletter.  You can sign up for it at

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