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Announcement: Comics Elimination Challenge 2013 - Predict It!

No show posting this week, but we have the Dollar Bin Comics Madness Elimination Challenge 2013 up and ready for your predictions:  Comics Madness Elimination 2013

The challenge is to predict how we, on the Dollar Bin podcast will vote the winners of the match-ups.  I went ahead and did 128.  The deadline to get your predictions in is April  16 and we’ll start posting each round’s results over the next few weeks starting on April 17.  Highest score wins a Dollar Bin Prize package.  I’ll announce the contents of the prize package shortly.

Feel free to listen to last year’s challenge shows to get some ideas, or you could ask last year’s winner, Matthew Guy

Its not to bad of a sign up.  You don’t get any junk from the site.  It took me a while just to find it again from last year.