HeroesCon 2011: Historical Comics
Tuesday, June 7, 2011 Filed in Heroes Con, Heroes Con Panels
Blending real historical facts and humor based comics into something provocative and highly entertaining is no feat. Join Chris Schweizer (Crogan’s )as he leads the discussion with Ben Towle (Amelia Earhart), Becky Cloonan(Northlanders) and Don Rosa (Uncle Scrooge) as they explain the intricacies of the creative juggling act.
This panel episode also includes a short HeroesCon recap and a little introduction to the Dollar Bin and the panel release schedule.
Runtime 1 hour 08 minutes 05 seconds
Reader Comments (2)
I notice Adam and Shawn mentioned in the show that they missed Brian Eison but not me at Heroes Con. WHAT THE HECK! Am I useless? Am I?! Don't answer that.
That would be because I saw you there Kris!