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Event: Heroes Discussion Group - Hickman's Fantastic Four

On September 21, 2010 the Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find Discussion Group talked Fantastic Four Volume 1 collecting issues 570-574.  As an added bonus, author of the run, Jonathan Hickman, himself, drops in to join the discussion.  That, plus the moderating genius of Andy Mansell makes the excitement level of this event equivalent to a hurricane wrapped in a tornado. 

Runtime: 1 hour 37 minute 06 seconds

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Heroes Discussion Group - Fantastic Four with Hickman

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Reader Comments (7)

Thanks you soooooo much for posting this, I couldn't make this event and am so thankful for you guys posting this so quickly.

September 22, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterzotovd

Jonathan was fascinating! I swear from the bottom of heart that I will never posit a Superman theory in public ever again.

Hey! I tried to bail and Seth egged me on-- it was his fault!!!!

Try the Discussion Group drinking game-- every time I say um--you need to take a sip of your drink. You'll never make it to the end of the Podcast alive

All kidding aside...

Thanks for getting the recording posted so quickly Adam-- you rock!!

September 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMansell in Distress

Great episode. Jonathan Hickman, for all his wacko-cracko ideas in books like Nightly News and Pax Romana, comes across as a really nice, down to earth guy. Makes me wanna give this run of FF a try.

September 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkilmarock

Man, these things are sooo depressing. A fan-boy writer interviewed by a wanna be fan boy writer. That's what the industry has become.

November 30, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrealguy

realguy, what planet are you living on. The industry has had fanboy writers and fanzines since at least the 60s. Guys like Thomas and Wolfman have written some of comics biggest stories.

November 30, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterzotovd

A) Its a panel open for discussion to everyone.
B) I don't think Hickman is a fanboy in any shape. Maybe even the opposite.
C) Andy isn't an inspiring writer, so there goes that.
D) Who else interviews comic creators, "not fans?"
E) Really? That's your comment? You listened to that whole thing and that is what you got out of it? What the hell were you looking for? "I'm not really a fan of comics. I just write them for the fat check. Comics suck."

November 30, 2010 | Registered CommenterAdam-Bin

What's wrong with a fanboy getting to write a comic (if Hickman can be considered so)? I cheer on when someone who has a love of the medium gets a chance to participate and maybe even help shape the direction it will be going. And Adam is right, without fanboys doing the writing we'd never have gotten Roy Thomas or Jim shooter or Alan Moore. In fact I would say every writer to some extent has to have a little fanboy or else why write comics when other types of writing can pay so much more?

As far as the questions of course they were typical fanboy ones but in reality the whole Q&A wasn't really intended for recording and for asking great, probing questions (see the Dollar Bin's Christopher Priest and other interviews for that) but a chance for fans to interact. I thought it was a perfectly serviceable back and forth session.

December 1, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJo-El

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