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Discussion: DC 52 Relaunch Batch 1

The first batch of DC relaunch comics have hit the stands and Adam and Shawn begin their trek through 52 reviews.  This weeks show includes Definitive Dollar Bin Top 5:  The Top Five Books From the DC Relaunch we Look Forward to.

Runtime 1 hour 37 minutes 02 seconds

Discussion: DC 52 Relaunch Batch 1

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Reader Comments (12)

Great show! I will admit that I was turned off after reading Justice League #1. I couldn't get past Green Lantern and Batman's over-explaining every little tidbit of info that I myself (as a reader) could just figure out on my own just by looking at the art. And ('m surprised that I'm the only person that noticed this) why does Superman's costume in JL come with shoulder and leg padding? Why does Superman need padding for? Skinning his knee?

As a longtime DC reader I feel alienated and insulted at the entire DC relaunch (especially stunts like having Barbara Gordon walk and inserting the Wildstorm universe into the mix). I miss the DC run by Paul Levitz, at least what they did back then made some since.

P.S.- If you guys would like me to explain the Swamp Thing mythos to you so you could understand the new Swamp Thing series, I will.

September 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMitch Rogers

Also, I forgot to add in that I cut about 20 more minutes of me pointing out what was wrong with JL. I felt I had left in enough negativity to cover my dislike. I did leave out the Superman armor though. I forgot about that (You'll hear about it when I post the Top 5 Worst Costumes). Good grief.

I get enough of the Swamp Thing mythos up to whatever happened in Brightest Day.

September 15, 2011 | Registered CommenterAdam-Bin

no batgirl commentary? odd. Demon Knights is great. the reboot is a mixed bag. no comment on the mystery woman either? My favorite was action comics. superman is actually fun to read again.

September 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBG

I'm not reading much in the way of DC (or Marvel) comics but I like hearing what other people think about them. You two were (on the whole) more critical than some of the other podcasts I've heard. That's good. I like to hear different opinions. Keep reviewing them, please.

There was one thing made me roll my eyes as I listened: your discussion of the use of the word "electrocution" in Static Shock. It seemed a little nit picky of you to get hung up on that one thing, even if they did use the word incorrectly. I'm just sayin'...

Anyhow great show and my vote is that you do 2 shows: 1 for SPX and 1 for this week's batch of DC titles. Don't wait to do an SPX show, you'll forget stuff or at least I know I would.

September 16, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkilmarock

BG, I'm not clear on your comment. I complained about Batgirl for a good 10 minutes and we talked about the mystery woman in the end. Did I somehow cut those parts out? I'll have to listen back through.

Kilmarock, I pointed out that it is a pet peeve of mine about the "electrocution" (I've had that hammered in my head over the years), but its still a matter of context and if the writer/editor paid a little attention then it would not have been an issue at all. Besides, I know most people use it that way, unaware of the definition, and I didn't put too much wait behind that flaw since Static still sits on the top half of my list.

When I read and review these books I'm looking a many different aspects. I'm looking at how new readers may perceive them as well as old readers and myself. I like to think of it as recognizing all of the strengths and flaws and not so much nit picking.

Maybe we'll tackle 2 shows for next week to make up for the delay on this week's.

September 17, 2011 | Registered CommenterAdam-Bin

Honestly Adam, I for one don't mind the "nit-picky" stuff. I'm glad to see someone giving a more honest opinion about the titles than just blindly liking them like most podcasts are seeming to do about the relaunch.

September 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMitch Rogers

Blantant money-grab by DC. Shame on them and they get NONE of my money.

September 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJo-El

Guess I spaced out during that segment.

September 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBG

BG, glad we kept your undivided attention.

September 18, 2011 | Registered CommenterAdam-Bin

it wasnt your fault. I was drunk as piss. winter is coming.

September 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBG

Winter is coming. Love it.

You guys rocked it. Hope you guys do Pt 2 next, since I'm not planning to buy many of these #1s.

As far as your thoughts, I liked JL more than you guys. Maybe it's Jim Lee's art that is swaying me, but it met expectations. It was a little weird to me that the Batman / GL interraction seemed a lot like it was in All-Star Batman & Robin, but I guess those two have always had that kind of relationship. I liked the Superman "reveal" and I guess I'm alone in thinking the costume is an upgrade (those red undies just had to go).

Really disagree on Action. This was probably the book I was most looking forward to, since I've never been able to read a Superman book without getting tripped up on continuity. I really enjoyed it. Thought it was cool to have Superman jumping all over town in his magical, indestructible jeans (definitely Wranglers). Looking forward to seeing his powers & career evolve (also, when does he bone Lois?).

I can't remember how many books I had Heroes pull for me (I haven't been in for weeks), but I think I may be going all-digital for the remaining DC books going forward. Same-as-print releases and the convenience make it an easy decision for me.

September 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTed

I had a long thing written out but the flash player crashed and I lost it when the page reset. So anyway...

Of this week's DC offerings I only actually read Detective Comics, Batgirl & JLI. JLI was the only one I liked. Batgirl was all over the place and not in a good way but I thought JLI was actually a good comic. Also it seemed like Batman was in as many of the relaunch issues as the chick with the hood we are supposed to be Waldo-ing.

September 22, 2011 | Registered CommenterBrian Eison

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