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Tales of the Black Freighter Review

I am soooo glad I did not purchase that…

I watched it On Demand last night. If they were going to do the Black Freighter the movie the way it was in the book. Taking it out of context, and putting bad animation to it, was not the way to go. You totally lose the whole feel of the correlation of the two stories. Even with Gerard Butler narrating it was pretty bad. For me it was bad, and I loved the TOTBF in the book. My roommate tried to watch it with me and he didn’t last 5 minutes. Should have left it alone.

The Under the Hood part wasn’t that bad. It was kinda cool to see a little bit about the original Minutemen. They still totally glossed over that stuff though. Other than the Nite Owl and Silk Spectre, you still don’t get ANY insight into the characters. They used a cheesy, magazine-style talk show to interview the two “heroes.” It is sure enough cheesy! Along with some terrible fake commercials…ugh.

The On Demand version came with some of the extras of the DVD. There were some interviews about how the comic within a comic concept worked in the book. This part just reminded me why I liked the TOTBF parts so much and why the anime was such a letdown. It also showed the first book of the motion comic. This could’ve been such a money idea if they had gotten some half decent voice actors. Or at the very least, someone that some with some sort of flow and feel for the dialogue. As it is, that makes it poorly executed, but if they’d done it right it could’ve been awesome.

Just a few thoughts. Form your own opinions. Sorry Adam, you can’t borrow this one, cause I’m not buying it. I’m just disappointed I didn’t get to see the Green Lantern preview.

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