Brian reviews The Incredible Hulk
Let me begin with two things that have nothing to do with Marvel’s latest attempt at a Hulk movie. Two trailers for upcoming comic-book movies were featured before the main attraction. The first was for Hellboy 2 and it looks interesting enough and having somewhat enjoyed the first installment I’m sure I’ll donate my 10 bucks to their cause once again. The second was the “teaser” for the Spirit and all I really have to say about it and that movie is that I still hate Frank Miller. But enough of that…let’s talk about The Incredible Hulk and I’ll keep this mostly spoiler free for those still on the fence about or fully planning to see it in the theatre.
Even from the beginning credits they make it very clear that this movie is not a sequel to Ang Lee’s Hulk film, it is instead a reboot of the franchise with an extreme soft spot for the classic TV series. I am in the minority as far as comic fans go, but other than the Nick Nolte storyline I really enjoyed that film. I certainly enjoyed their Betty Ross MUCH better as well but I digress. My cause for pause with this concept is not so much where the direction or inspiration of the new film came from but the fact that it is rebooting a movie that is only 4 years old and that was a box-office success. I know this could lead to a lengthy discussion about how successful it really was and the mix-bag the critical reviews of the film were and I’m not sure that is needed. I just think it is an odd road to go down and it makes me wonder if the new Punisher movie will be the same thing. Regardless, we are clearly on somewhat fresh ground and different footing when this new film gets started even though it does begin in South America, which is of course where the last one ended. So what is different about Hulk 2008?