
Entries in langridge (1)


Stages of Grief: Thor the Mighty Avenger


The cancellation of Thor the Mighty Avenger is my first experience in losing a series that I really enjoyed. The discussion in the forums reflects everyone else’s dismay in the cancellation. Many of you have experienced previous cancellations. As Tee said, “Welcome to my world.” In entering Tee’s world of disappointment, I have to work through the stages of grief in losing my first series.

Denial: TMA combined the efforts of two creators I have come to love, Roger Langridge and Chris Samnee. Who would be crazy and/or evil enough to cancel this team? Obviously Marvel recognizes this is a crazy and evil decision as Editor-In-Chief, Joe Quesada, has claimed the decision was not his. I must not be the only one in denial.

Anger: I don’t pick up many comics monthly. TMA was my second monthly after Buffy. Why does Marvel hate me? Is it because I think they have too many Deadpools? Why do they want me to spend hours on Wikipedia if I want to read the remaining Thor books?

Bargaining: In response to the cancellation, fans of the series began tweeting with the hash tag #SaveThorTheMightyAvenger. I tweeted Marvel asking for at least allowing for a more complete end of the series in the traditional 12 issue arc many mini-series take. Just let them finish the plans they currently had. It makes sense from a trade standpoint. How can Marvel ignore such logic?

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