
Entries in hellboy (1)


Shawn Says: Spotlight on New Releases August 10, 2011

In which Shawn looks at the New Releases and lets you know which ones she is most excited about!

1) SpongeBob Comics #4

I was thrilled to find out that Joey Weiser, who is one of my favorite cartoonists, has a story in this issue of SpongeBob Comics. There have been some seriously talented people working on this book. I have really been enjoying the goofy and silly nature of the book. For me, it has captured the essence of the show. So SpongeBob fans out there should definitely be reading the comic!

3) Hellboy The Fury #3

Rumor has it this issue will have a shocking ending as Mike Mignola and Duncan Fegredo’s epic storyline concludes. So if you only keep up with Hellboy in trade or hardcover you might want to take notice of this issue. Or steer clear of it completely so that the story isn’t ruined for you. 

Speaking of Mignola, also out this week is Baltimore Curse Bells #1. It is written by Mignola and Christopher Golden with art by Ben Stenbeck. I really enjoyed the first Baltimore mini so I have high hopes for this one.

3) Detective Comics #881

Detective Comics, as we know it, comes to an end. This is the final issue before the re-launch when Detective will restart at issue #1. This latest story arc has been fantastic. I have especially enjoyed it because it has showcased the detective side of Batman. I particularly love the way Jock and Francesco Francavilla have taken turns on the art throughout this story. The two storylines come together in this issue and both Jock and Francavilla did an amazing job on the art. Scott Snyder’s writing has been creepily compelling. I wish Snyder luck as he takes over Batman next month with Batman #1.