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Shawn Says: Spotlight on New Releases July 28, 2010

In which Shawn looks at the New Releases and lets you know which books she is most excited about!

1) Thor The Mighty Avenger #2

I really enjoyed the first issue. This is a fun, well-written, well-drawn Thor book. With all the hype going around about the Thor movie I hope it leads people, especially kids, to read this book. It is coming out right near the movie but it doesn’t feel like it was written to come out in time for the movie. It is a genuinely good story. I heard a few criticisms of this book. People said that this isn’t how the story goes. So if you want a retelling word-for-word then go read old Thor comics. If you want a re-imagining the read Roger Langridge and Chris Samnee’s Thor The Mighty Avenger.

2) 7 Psychopaths #3

This is the final issue of this mini-series and I can’t wait to read it! I wonder if they will kill Hitler?

3) Flash #4

I love a good murder mystery. And if you throw in the Flash and the Rogues and Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul what could be better?

4) First Wave #3

I love Rags Morales art and Brian Azzarello can weave a good yarn. I have been enjoying DC’s new pulp stories.

5) Muppet Show #8

Yeah, yeah. I know I talk about this book all the time but I am super excited about this issue. Roger Langridge is writing AND drawing it! I love Roger Langridge! I bought a handful of his old mini-comics at HeroesCon and they were hilarious. If you ever see Shirley Temple meets Frankenstein do yourself a favor and pick it up!

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