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DC 52 Relaunch Batch 3: The Rankings

Adam and Shawn ranked the second wave of DC Relaunch books in order of enjoyment, #1 being at the top of the enjoyment scale. It was really easy to rank the top and the bottom this go round, but the middle ones were pretty difficult to rank because they were very similar in quality and enjoyment. This is the first time that Adam and Shawn agree on the #1.

Shawn’s List:

1) Wonder Woman
2) Batman
3) DCU Presents Deadman
4) Green Lantern Corps
5) Supergirl
6) Blue Beetle
7) Nightwing
8) Captain Atom
9) Birds of Prey
10) Legion of Superheroes
11) Catwoman
12) Red Hood and the Outlaws

Adam’s List:

1) Wonder Woman
2) Green Lantern Corps
3) Batman
4) Supergirl
5) DCU Presents Deadman
6) Blue Beetle
7) Nightwing
8) Legion of Superheroes
9) Captain Atom
10) Birds of Prey
11) Catwoman
12) Red Hood and the Outlaws

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Reader Comments (1)

Wonder Woman has been on my buy-and-read-later-which-later-never-arrives list for a long time.

I really enjoyed the first issue as the first issue of Batman. Greg Capullo rocks.

October 3, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Aston

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