Shawn Says: Spotlight on New Releases July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Shawn Daughhetee in New Releases, shawn

In which Shawn takes a look at the New Releases and lets you know which books she is most excited about!

1) Sergio Aragones Funnies #1

Sergio Aragones is one heck of a cartoonist and a darn fine storyteller (not to mention, quite the ladies’ man). Funnies is a new ongoing that contains stories, strips, drawings and jokes direct from Aragones. It can be personal at times, historical at others, but always funny. Aragones has a wonderful voice and a great sense of humor. I am thrilled that he has a comic that allows him to express himself. I loved this first issue and I can’t wait to read more! This will appeal to fans of humor comics in general and Mad Magazine and Groo specifically. There is so much joy and love in this book that it is infectious! Definitely check this book out!

2) Daredevil #1

I am truly shocked at how much I truly enjoyed this book. I only bought it for the blank cover so that Adam can get an “Owly As” on it. I didn’t plan on reading it until I saw Paolo Rivera’s art. I figured I would give it a shot and I am really glad I did. I strongly disliked the recent storylines with Daredevil as they were too broody and depressing. The character was beginning to feel stagnant. Mark Waid breathed new life into Daredevil with Daredevil #1 and the back-up with Marcos Martin really clenched that for me. Waid acknowledged where Daredevil was but stated where he is now. I am super happy with the new direction for Daredevil. This was a really entertaining, well-written, well-drawn issue. I am really glad that didn’t dismiss it because of my prior unhappiness with Daredevil. On a side note, I was also pleasantly surprised with Black Panther: The Man Without Fear #521. I thought I knew what was going to happen but I was completely wrong. I am so glad I was wrong. I really enjoyed this issue and I am looking forward to seeing where the story takes me.

3) Criminal Macabre/Goon When Freaks Collide One-Shot

This was a really fun team-up/cross-over book. It had some genuinely funny moments, especially with the sidekicks. I talk a lot about how I enjoy fun, light-hearted books but it is true. I want to be entertained and uplifted. I don’t constantly want to be drug down into the depths of human emotion. I get enough of that from life. In my comics I want to have fun and go on adventures. And that is what I got from Criminal Macabre/Goon When Freaks Collide. Steve Niles, Eric Powell and Christopher Mitten work really well together. I loved the journey (including this special guest at the end). I really hope there is more of this to come!

4) Spirit #16

This issue was written by David Hine and illustrated by John Paul Leon. What I liked about this issue was that each page was a splash page that incorporated “The Spirit” into the composition. This was a fun, stand-alone story. You don’t need to know anything about the Spirit to understand and appreciate it. The next issue is going to be a collection of black-and-white stories which I assume where supposed to be back-ups. It will also be the last issue before the DC relaunch. I’m not sure where the Spirit fits into the new DC but I am happy with how they are ending this series. I enjoyed the Spirit, past and present and will continue to read the Spirit when he decides to show up again.

Article originally appeared on Dollar Bin (
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