Review: The Light 1-4
Monday, August 2, 2010
Dollar Bin in Book Reviews, HeroesOnline, heroes aren't hard to find, review
Review: The Light 1-4

From the Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find blog written by Jenny Bement

Imagine an apocalyptic disaster holding similar qualities to a zombie outbreak. Got that? Well take out zombies and replace them with a complete blackout in which the only light that occurs has the capability to brutally destroy you. So basically, you have a bunch of people bonding with each other and scrambling around for safety, blindfolded. Sound interesting? Well call me a dork but when you toss in some good old intellectual stimulation and gore, it becomes even better.

Nathan Edmondson and Brett Weldele’s The Light, in my opinion, is an incredibly rich series that has the capability to entertain and shock as well as stimulate deep thought. It surrounds itself with homage to mass communications studies spliced with a horror story that leaves you waiting for more at the end of each issue but also questioning our reliance on technology in our everyday lives. Along with these themes woven throughout the plotline, Edmondson begins each issue with an excerpt from classical literature to set the foundation for what is to come. How can any nerd not be tickled by references to the greats? I know I love it.

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by AuthorDollar Bin on DateMonday, August 2, 2010 | Filed under ,
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