Shawn Says: Spotlight on New Releases July 14, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Shawn Daughhetee

In which Shawn looks at the New Releases and lets you know which books she is most excited about!

1) Richard Starks Parker Man With Getaway Face (Prelude)

Darwyn Cooke. Over-sized. Two dollars. I am sold!

2) Girl Comics #3

I really enjoyed the first two issues of this anthology like mini-series. And I am excited to read this issue! I am a big fan of Colleen Coover and I hope that Marvel will continue to use her.

3) Batman and Robin #13

I flipped through this issue just because of the awesome Frank Quitely cover and ended up buying it because of the awesome Frazer Irving interiors. I stopped reading this series several issues ago because it was getting to be a little confusing to read.  But this issue reminded me why I started reading Batman and Robin in the first place. It is a fun and slightly creepy book!

4) Fractured Fables HC

I really enjoyed the FCBD Fractured Fables. I love reading fairy tales and new interpretations of fairy tales. Plus there are some top-not creators working on this book. Take a look at these names: Jill Thompson, Peter David, Ben Templesmith, Doug Tennapel, Ted McKeever and Scott Morse!

5) Same Old, Same Old

Books I talk about all the time and still think that everyone should read and enjoy them:

Daytripper #8: This is a really poignant book. And this issue was very moving and haunting.

Uncle Scrooge #393: Ducktales! Whoo-ooo!

The Light #4: I want to know what is going on! I can’t believe there is only one issue left.

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